Privacy policy

Who is responsible for data processing?

This website is the responsibility of MORACHINI INVERSIONES S.L., with Tax Identification Number B85961126, with registered office at Calle Flandes 2; 28231, Las Rozas, Madrid, an entity registered in the Companies Register of Madrid in Volume 13634, Section 8, Book 0, folio 95 and page M-221998 (hereinafter, THE COMPANY).


The entity respects the privacy rights of its Users and recognises the importance of protecting the personal data that the entity collects about its Users. The purpose of this document is to inform Users of the website about the processing of personal data carried out on this website.

Who can provide us with data?

Access by Users to the website may involve the processing of personal data. By accessing our website, you declare that you are of legal age and that all the data you provide us with, whether they are obligatory in order to provide you with the service or information or additional data that complete your information and request, are true and correct. You provide this information voluntarily. For certain data processing, we will ask you to give us your consent and for certain purposes, we will ask for your authorisation by activating the specific validation boxes.

What data do we collect?

By simply accessing the website, the entity collects the IP address and other data relating to the connection and its origin. The IP address is a code that identifies the User’s internet connection at a specific point in time. Only the User’s Internet access provider can identify the subscriber who was assigned an IP address at a specific time. By the very nature of the server that supports the website, the User’s IP address is automatically recorded along with the date and time of access.

Likewise, when you send an information request, contact us by email or telephone, in order for us to respond to your requests, provide you with free studies, we may ask you to provide us with a series of personal data and information such as your name, surname, address, email address or contact telephone number.

How is the information and data you provide used?

WISHOME will use the information you provide for the following purposes:

  • Processing of user data to manage the use of the website
    We will process your data to manage the normal use of the website and to perform statistical analyses on the use of the website. The legal basis for the processing of the IP address is the technological necessity to enable the provision of the website. IP addresses will be retained for a period of 1 month.
  • Processing of user data to respond to your requests for information.
    We will process your data to respond to your requests for information and to contact you to send you information about our products and services, and to follow up on them. The basis for this processing is your consent. Your data will be kept for as long as your consent remains valid; once you voluntarily unsubscribe, they will be blocked for a period of 2 years and subsequently deleted.
  • Processing of data for communication of WISHOME newsletters and bulletins.
    We will process your data, with your express consent, to send you communications, newsletters and bulletins from WISHOME to which you have subscribed.
    The basis that legitimises the processing is your consent; you can unsubscribe at any time by following the instructions that appear at the end of all electronic communications or by requesting it in writing, as described in the Rights section.
  • Data processing for communication of products and services of the companies that make up the Reacciona Group.
    We will process your data and communicate them to the entities that make up the REACCIONA GROUP (listed at so that they can send you information about products and services in the sectors of financial intermediation, legal services, real estate services and general business services.
    The basis that legitimises the processing is your consent or legitimate interest in application of the provisions of article 21.2 of the LSSI. You may unsubscribe at any time by following the instructions at the end of all electronic communications or by requesting it in writing, as described in the Rights section.
  • Processing of data for profiling and marketing purposes.
    We will process your data, with your express consent, for purposes of study and analysis of profiles, behaviour and preferences of consumption, use and navigation of the page, in order to improve the services offered by WISHOME.
    The basis that legitimizes the treatment is your consent; at any time you can revoke this consent.

Sending of commercial communications

WISHOME informs the user that the commercial communications will be sent by means of the tool [Mailchimp, managed by the company The Rocket Science Group LLC] whose servers are located in the United States. Therefore, your data may be transferred outside the European Economic Area. However, we inform you that these entities provide adequate data protection guarantees by adhering to the EU-US Data Privacy Framework which declares an adequate level of protection by the European Commission or by signing the Standard Contractual Clauses approved by the European Commission.

The tool used for sending commercial e-mail communications will include links and tiny, transparent images that will be associated with your e-mail address. In this way, when you download one of these images or access the links contained in the e-mail, WISHOME can know for statistical purposes whether the e-mail has been opened or whether a link has been accessed from that e-mail. You will be able to prevent these uses by configuring your e-mail manager or programme to prevent the automated downloading of images, as well as by not accessing the links included in the e-mails that you receive.

Dans chaque communication, l’utilisateur peut s’opposer à la réception de ce type d’informations par le biais des mécanismes spécifiques de désabonnement, et demander, le cas échéant, le droit de révoquer le consentement, l’opposition ou la suppression.

Comment et où les informations sont-elles partagées ?

À moins que l’utilisateur n’autorise la réception de communications de produits et services par les entités qui composent le groupe REACCIONA (énumérées sur afin qu’elles puissent vous envoyer des informations sur les produits et services, WISHOME vous informe expressément qu’elle ne communiquera les données qu’aux organismes et entités de l’administration publique compétents en la matière, conformément à la réglementation légale en vigueur.

Sécurité de vos données

WISHOME attache une grande importance à la sécurité de toutes les informations personnelles identifiables. Malheureusement, la transmission d’informations sur Internet n’est pas totalement sûre ; c’est pourquoi nous faisons des efforts et allouons des ressources pour améliorer chaque jour notre site Web et pour rendre plus sûres les fonctionnalités que nous mettons à votre disposition.

Once we have received your information, we have implemented security measures to ensure the access, confidentiality, integrity and prevent any loss, misuse and/or alteration of the data under our control. For example, our security and privacy policies are periodically reviewed and enhanced as necessary and only authorised personnel have access to user information.

Browsing data

WISHOME will only record anonymous data with respect to the navigation of the users, in order to obtain statistical data on date and time of access to the Website, navigation, visits, use of functionalities, downloads, visualisations. In addition, in order to know the effectiveness of the banners and links pointing to our site, we will also identify the link from which the visit originates. All the information obtained is completely anonymous, and under no circumstances can it be used to identify a specific user, nor is it possible to associate it with a particular person, it will simply be used to improve the service we offer our users. For more information, please consult the [Cookies Policy].

Your rights and access to information

In accordance with current legislation, EU Regulation 679/2016, of 27 April, General Data Protection Regulation, you have the possibility of exercising the following very personal rights, providing reliable proof of your identity, either by electronic means (in the case of newsletters, communications and e-mails) or by written communication addressed to our Privacy Officer. Your rights are as follows:

  • The right to revoke your consent and ask us not to process your data.
  • The right to access the information we hold about you, specifying the purposes of the processing we carry out and the communications we have made to third parties, either because they are authorised by law or because they are necessary to provide the service you have requested, or because you have given your consent.
  • The right to rectify your data, whereby we will update and update the information and data we hold according to the information you provide us with.
  • The right to the deletion of your data, once the legal retention periods established by the applicable regulations have expired.
  • The right to oppose us carrying out any processing of your data by revoking your authorisation/consent.
  • The right to limit the processing of your data, such as in the event that you lodge a complaint or wish us to keep your data for a longer period of time, preventing their deletion.
  • The right to the portability of your data, whereby we will provide you with the data that you have provided to us at the time of your registration as a user in a commonly readable file format.

These rights require the possibility of identifying the User requesting them and linking his or her identity to the data processed by the entity. However, the entity cannot establish this link with any of the data it processes by simply accessing the website, unless the User is able to provide certain documentation that allows his or her identification (for example, a certificate from his or her Internet access provider indicating the IP address that the User was assigned on a specific date and at a specific time).

Users are informed that they may exercise the aforementioned rights before the entity, as well as revoke their consent for the processing that they have given, by post to the aforementioned address or by e-mail to

In addition, we inform you that you can always go to the Spanish Data Protection Control Authority (Spanish Data Protection Agency, to request its protection or lodge a complaint in relation to the processing of personal data.

Changes to the privacy policy

From time to time we may modify or adapt our Privacy and Personal Data Processing Policy. Changes will be communicated to our users.

Further information

If you have any questions about the information contained in our Privacy Policy, you can send an e-mail to: